1 Cheshvan - R' Yosef Engel, author of many seforim including Asvin D'Oraysa, Beis Ha'Otzar, Lekach Tov and Gilyonei HaShas (1910)
1 Cheshvan - R' Yisroel ben R' Yehoshua Shapira, the Bluzhover Rebbe (1990)
2 Cheshvan - R' Shmuel ben Moshe di Modena, the Mahrashdam (1589)
2 Cheshvan - R' Boruch ben R' Yisroel Hager (1963), the Seret-Vizhnitz Rebbe, the Makor Boruch
2 Cheshvan - R' Elazar Simcha Wasserman (1996), son of R' Elchonon Bunim Wasserman
2 Cheshvan - R' Yosef ben R' Mordechai Dovid of Dombrovna (1866) Talmid of the Chozeh of Lublin, R' Chaim Meir Yechiel of Moglenitza and Reb Yisachor Dov of Radoshitz.
3 Cheshvan - R' Yitzchok ben R' Chaim of Volozhin (1848) (I also have the date as 26 Iyar, not sure which is correct)
3 Cheshvan - R' Yosef Zundel ben R' Binyamin Beinush of Salant (1865) Talmid of R' Chaim of Volozhin and R' Akiva Eiger. Rebbe of R' Yisroel Salanter. After moving to Eretz Yisroel he became one of the leaders of the Jews in Yerusholayim
3 Cheshvan - R' Mordechai Miller, principal of Gateshead Seminary (2000)
3 Cheshvan - R' Yisroel Friedman of Rizhin (1850) ben R' Sholom Shachna of Probisht
3 Cheshvan - R' Eliezer of Dzikov (1860) ben R' Naftali Tzvi of Ropshitz
4 Cheshvan - R' Klonimus Kalman (sometimes written Kalmish) Shapiro HY"D, Piazetsna Rebbe (1943), author of Chovas Hatalmidim, Aish Kodesh, Derech Hamelech and others. He was the son of R' Elimelech of Grodzensk. He was a descendant of the Noam Elimelech, Koznitzer Magid, Meor Veshemesh and many other great tzadikim.
4 Cheshvan - R' Aryeh Zev Gurwitz, Rosh Yeshiva of
5 Cheshvan - R' Meir Heilprin, Rov and Av Beis Din of Lublin (1722)
5 Cheshvan - R' Avrohom Yosef Rice (1862), pioneer of the Baltimore Jewish community and founder of one of the first Hebrew schools in the U.S.
5 Cheshvan - R' Avrohom Halevi Zions, Rosh Yeshiva of Knesses Yisroel in New York
6 Cheshvan - R' Shlomo Dovid Yehoshua Weinberg of Slonim HY"D(1944) son of R' Avrohom, the Bais Avrohom
7 Cheshvan - R' Yehuda Meir ben R' Yaakov Shimshon Shapiro (1933), Rosh Yeshiva Chachmei Lublin and innovator of Daf Yomi. He was a descendant of R' Pinchos of Koritz and a Chosid of R' Yisroel of Chortkov, who told him to spread the idea of Daf Yomi.
8 Cheshvan - Rabbeinu Yonah ben Avrohom of Gerondi (1263) Author of Shaarei Tshuvah
8 Cheshvan - R' Nochum "Hachassid" of Horodno, Lithuania (1879) Rebbe of the Chofetz Chaim
8 Cheshvan - R' Yaakov Rosenheim, a founder of Agudas Yisrael (1965)
8 Cheshvan - R' Moshe Yosef Hakohen Tawil (1977), From the great Rabbonim of Aram Soba
9 Cheshvan - Rabeinu Asher ben Yechiel, the Rosh (1327)
9 Cheshvan - R' Yosef Leib Bloch, the Telzer Rosh Yeshiva (1928)
9 Cheshvan - R' Shimon Yehuda ben R' Yitzchok Shmuel HaKohen Shkop of
9 Cheshvan - R' Yehuda ben R' Yitzchok Horowitz of Stutchin (1981) Descendant, ben acher ben, from R' Naftali of Ropshitz.
9 Cheshvan - R' David Laniado, of Aram Soba, author of Likedoshim Asher Ba'aretz
10 Cheshvan - Gad ben Yaakov Avinu (1563-1438 B.C.E.)
10 Cheshvan - R' Avraham Oppenheim, author of Aishel Avraham on Shulchan Oruch (1786)
10 Cheshvan - R' Dov Berish Weidenfeld, the Tchebiner Rov (1965) One of the Gedolei Hador of his time in Eretz Yisroel
11 Cheshvan - Mesushelach ben Chanoch, died at age 969. (2103 B.C.E.)
11 Cheshvan - Rachel Imeinu (1552 B.C.E.) (according to the GRA, she was 36 years old, according to Sefer Hayashar, 45)
11 Cheshvan - Binyamin ben Yaakov Avinu (1441 B.C.E.)
11 Cheshvan - R' Menachem Nachum ben R' Tzvi Twersky, of Chernobyl, Me'or Einayim (1797)
11 Cheshvan - R' Avraham ben R' Yitzchok Matisyahu Weinberg, First Slonimer Rebbe, author of Yesod HaAvoda (1883) He was a talmid of R' Noach and R' Michel of Lechovitch and R' Moshe of Kobrin.
11 Cheshvan - R' Yehuda Leib Chasman, mashgiach of Yeshivas Chevron (1936)
11 Cheshvan - R' Pesach Pruskin, Rov and Rosh Yeshivah in Kobrin (1940) He was one of the Rabbeim of R' Moshe Feinstein.
12 Cheshvan - R' Zev Wolf Kitzis (1788) Talmid and Baal Tokea of the Baal Shem Tov, who he is buried immediately next to.
12 Cheshvan - R' Nochum of Shadik, Great Rov in Yerushalayim (1866)
12 Cheshvan - R' Yehuda ben R' Shaul Tzadka, Rosh Yeshiva of Porat Yosef (1992)
13 Cheshvan - R' Yehuda HaChosid, author of Sefer Chasidim (1217) son of ben R' Shmuel HaChosid (There are many different dates given as his yartzeit and I don't know which one is accurate)
13 Cheshvan - R' Tzvi Shraga Grossbard, head of Chinuch Atzmai in Eretz Yisrael (1993)
14 Cheshvan - R' Avrohom Elimelech Perlow of Karlin HY"D (1942) ben R' Yisroel, killed al kiddush Hashem.
15 Cheshvan - Mattisyahu Kohen Godol (166 B.C.E.)
15 Cheshvan - R' Leib "Baal Yisurim" (1836), from the greatest talmidim of the Baal HaTanyain, Buried in Tzefas. Before he died he said that anyone that has a tzarah should come to daven at his kever and he will be helped.
15 Cheshvan - R' Avraham Yeshaya ben R' Shmaryahu Yosef Karelitz, the Chazon Ish (1953) Desended from the Maharal, Baal HaMaor and Baal HaPardes. He was one of the greatest and most respected Gedolim of his time.
16 Cheshvan - R' Amram Chasida, the Amora
16 Cheshvan - R' Chaim Pinto (1937), great Rov on
16 Cheshvan - R' Elazar Menachem Man ben R' Azriel Shach, Rosh Yeshiva of Ponovezh (2001) See Rav Shach's Will.
17 Cheshvan - R' Reuven Katz, author of Degel Reuven, rosh yeshiva in Petach Tikva (1964)
17 Cheshvan - R' Menachem Mendel of Kosov (1825), Ahavas Sholom, son of R' Yaakov Koppel "Chosid"
17 Cheshvan - R' Binyomin Zev ben R' Nechemia Cheshin (1988) great mekubal involved in the Kiruv movement. He was also one of the Ziknei Breslov of his time. He descended from the talmidim of the Vilna Gaon. He has several well known sons.
18 Cheshvan - R' Yaakov Friedman of Husyatin (1952) ben R' Yitzchok of Buhosh. He was a son-in-law of R' Yisroel of Husyatin
18 Cheshvan - R' Rafael Baruch Toledano, author of Sephardic Kitzur Shulchan Aruch (1970)
18 Cheshvan - R' Nochum Partzovitz, Rosh Yeshivas Mir (1986)
19 Cheshvan - Hevel
19 Cheshvan - R' Pinchas Epstein, Rosh Av Beis Din of the Eida Hachareidis (1970)
19 Cheshvan - R' Avrohom Tzvi Hirsch Kamai, HY"D, rosh yeshiva and Rov of Mir (1941)
20 Cheshvan - R' Avrohom bar Yitzchak, Raavad II, author of Sefer Eshkol (1198)
20 Cheshvan - R' Sholom ben R' Yaakov Yosef HaLevi Rosenfeld of Kaminka (1851) talmid of R' Shlomo Kluger and R' Naftali of Ropshitz
20 Cheshvan - R' Moshe Nosson Nota ben R' Menachem Mendel Lemberger, the Makover Rov (1982) Talmid of R' Sholom Eliezer Halberstam of Ratzfort
20 Cheshvan - R' Mordechai Sharabi (1983), descendant of the Rashash, one of the greatest mekubalim of his time and rosh yeshiva Nahar Sholom, buried on Har Hamenuchos
21 Cheshvan - R' Dovid ben R' Zimra, the Radvaz, Rebbe of the Arizal(1573)
21 Cheshvan - R' Avrohom Azulai, the Chessed L'Avraham (1643) great-great-grandfather of the Chida
21 Cheshvan - R' Betzalel ben R' Avrohom Stern (1988), great posek in Australia and author of Betzel Hachochma, brother of the R' Moshe Stern, the Debreciner Rov
21 Cheshvan – R' Yichya Halevi Alshich, head of Teimani community (1996)
22 Cheshvan - R' Ezriel Ben R' Dov Halevi Horowitz of
22 Cheshvan - R' Dovid Shlomo ben R' Yeruchim Eibishutz (1813) author of many seforim including Levushei Serad, Arvei Nachal and Neos Deshe. Talmid of talmidim of the Mezritcher Magid. Settled in Eretz Yisroel
22 Cheshvan - R' Yissachor Dov ben R' Yehoshua Rokeach of Belz (1926)
23 Cheshvan - R' Aharon Katzenellenbogen of Brisk, author of Minchas Aharon (1854)
23 Cheshvan - R' Moshe ben R' Yaakov Leib Midner (1929), a talmid of the Slonimer Rebbes. He was known as a Baal Ruach HaKodesh. R' Elchonon Wasserman would stand up for him out of respect. He put together the sefer Toras Avos, which contains Torah from the Rebbes of Lechovitch, Kobrin and Slonim.
23 Cheshvan - R' Yehosef ben R' Tzvi Rottenberg of Koson (1911) son-in-law of R' Meshulam Feivish of Tosh
23 Cheshvan - R' Tzvi Aryeh (Hirsh Leib) ben R' Ahron Betzalel Lippel (1979) One of the Ziknei Breslov. While living in Uman, he was part of a group that would rise nightly at midnight, immerse in the river (including when they needed to break the ice to do so ) and then spend hours in the field in hisbodedus. He was allowed to leave Ukraine and moved to Eretz Yosroel in 1934. He was know for his intense prayer and kedusha, but despite this he was able to speak with anyone and understood everything.
24 Cheshvan - Binyamin ben Yaakov Avinu (according to many) (1554 B.C.E.)
24 Cheshvan - R' Refoel HaKohen of
24 Cheshvan - R' Raphael Dovid Auerbach (1987), Rosh Yeshiva of Shaar Shomayim
24 Cheshvan - R' Gedalya Moshe Goldman, Zvhiler Rebbe (1950) Son of the famous Reb Shlomka (Shlomo) of Zvhil
24 Cheshvan - R' Hillel Moshe ben R' Tzvi Hirsch Mashel (1907) talmid of the Kotzker and Chidushei HaRim. Settled in Eretz Yisroel
25 Cheshvan - R' Avrohom ben R' Shlomo Zalman, brother of the Vilna Gaon, author of Ma'alos Hatorah (1807)
25 Cheshvan - R' Naftali ben R' Elazar of Lizhensk (1838), grandson of the Noam Elimelech, talmid of R' Menachem Mendel of Kosov
25 Cheshvan - R' Mordechai Rokeach of Bilgoraya (1949) ben R' Yissachor Dov of Belz (1949)
26 Cheshvan - R' Shlomo Segal (1638), Av Beis Din of Polnoah and
26 Cheshvan - R' Simcha ben R' Yosef Dov HaLevi Soloveitchik, buried in Mt. Judah Cemetery in
26 Chehsvan - R' Abba ben R' Yitzchok Abuchatzeira (1935) grandson of the Abir Yaakov
27 Cheshvan - R' Yaakov ben R' Dovid Yitzchok Leizer of
28 Cheshvan - Rabbeinu Yonah ben R' Avrohom of Gerondi, author of Shaarei Teshuva (1263)
28 Cheshvan - R' Sholom Eisen, talmid of R' Isser Zalman Meltzer, Moreh Tzedek in the Eida Hachareidis and
expert on esrogim
29 Cheshvan - R' Yitzchak Eizik Chover, author of Teshuvos Binyan Olam and
Si'ach Yitzchak (1852)
29 Cheshvan - R' Chaim ben R' Dov Berish HaKohen Rappaport, author of Mayim Chaim
30 Cheshvan - R' Tzvi Hirsch HaKohen of Riminov (1846) ben R' Yehudah Leib, succesor of R' Mendel of Rimanov and author of Sefer Be'eros Hamayim
30 Cheshvan - Rav Yaakov Betzalel Zolty, Rav of Yerushalayim
30 Cheshvan - R' Eliezer Yehudah Waldenberg ben R' Yaakov Gedalyahu (2006) Tzitz Eliezer, Famous posek, he was especially know for his rulings on medical isssues.