When they saw the end was near Reb Elchonon got up and spoke to them. He spoke the same way he always did; he was calm and there was no indication of panic. He said the following:
"In Heaven it seems that they deem us to be tzadikim, because we have been chosen to be korbonos for Klal Yisroel. Therefore, we must do teshuvah now. We don't have much time. We must keep in mind that we will be better korbonos if we do teshuvah. In this way we will save the Yidden in
How can a person say these things in such a manner, knowing they will be murdered shortly? If one lives his whole life al Kiddush Hashem and is always ready to sacrifice himself al Kiddush Hashem, then he can die al Kiddush Hashem.
Zchuso Yogen Aleinu - Hashem Yinkom Domov
13 Tamuz is also the yahrzeit of:
R' Aryeh Leib Epstein (1775), author of Hapardes
R' Chaim HaCohen Rappaport, Rov of
R' Moshe ben R' Naftoli Hirsch Rivkash (1671), the author of Be'er Hagolah on Shulchan Aruch
R' Chanoch Henoch Dov Ben Elazer Rubin (1920), Sassover Rebbe of
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