1 Adar - R' Avrohom ben Meir Ibn Ezra, most famous for his commentary on Tanach.
1 Adar - R' Shabsei ben R' Meir HaKohen, known as the Shach, his commentary on Shulchon Aruch, Sifsei Kohen.
1 Adar - R' Emanuel Chai Reiki of Italy (1743) ben R' Avrohom, author of Mishnas Chassidim.
1 Adar - R' Yitzchok Isaac ben R' Tzvi Eichenstein of Safrin (1800) father of the tzadikim of Zhiditchov and Komarana.
1 Adar - R' Yitzchak Meir of Zhinkov ben R' Avrohom Yehoshua Heschel of Apta (1855)
1 Adar - R' Baruch Halberstam of Gorlitz (1906) ben R' Chaim of Sanz
2 Adar - R' Aron Aryeh Leib ben R' Meir Hagadol of Premishlan, father of Reb Meir'l of Premishlan and talmid of the Zlotchover Magid and the Rebbe Reb Elimelech of Lizensk.
2 Adar - R' Yisroel ben R' Avrohom Mordechai of Ger, the Beis Yisroel
2 Adar - R' Yom Tov ben R' Yisroel Yaakov Algazi, talmid of the Rashash, Reb Sholom Sharabi
2 Adar - R' Yaakov Chizkiya ben R' Moshe Greenwald of Pupa (1941), author of VaYaged Yaakov
2 Adar - R' Avraham Kalmanowitz (1964) Rosh Yeshiva of Mir in Brooklyn
2 Adar - R' Yosef Dov ben R' Yitzchok Zev HaLevi Soloveitchik of Brisk (1981)
3 Adar - R' Mordechai ben R' Avrohom Jaffe, talmid of the Rama and Maharshal, wrote 10 seform call the Levushim, most famous is the Levush on Shulchon Aruch.
3 Adar - R' Eliyahu Dovid ben R' Binyamin Rabinowitz-Tumim (1905), the Aderes. He was Rov of Yerushalayim. He was a descendent of the Levush, whose yartzeit is also today. He was also a descendent of the Chacham Tzvi.
4 Adar - Rav Achai bar Rav Huna, an Amora
4 Adar - R' Aryeh Leib ben Sarah and Yosef, known as Reb Leib Sara's. He was a hidden tzadik and talmid of the Baal Shem Tov. Know by the name of his mother due to the fact that as a young beautiful girl she married an old melamed who was a hidden tzadik to avoid the advances of a nobleman. It is said that there is an allusion to him in Sefer Raziel Hamalach. Discovered the first Kaliver Rebbe. There are many famous stories about him.
4 Adar - R' Eliezer ben R' Avrohom Shmuel Gordon (1910), Rosh Yeshiva of Telz, buried in London
5 Adar - R' Zev Wolf of Charney ben R' Naftali Tzvi (1823) talmid of the Magid of Mezritch and Rebbe of R' Dovid Shlomo Eibishutz (Arvei Nachal). He was a big admirer of R' Nachman of Breslov, with whom he spent a lot of time with in Istanbul on R' Nachman's trip to Eretz Yisroel. He moved to Tiveria where he is buried.
5 Adar - R' Avraham ben R' Enosh Halevi Bing of Wurzberg (1841), author of Zichron Avraham.
5 Adar - R' Shmuel Avrohom Abba Shapiro of Slavita (1864) ben R' Moshe ben R' Pinchos of Koritz
5 Adar - R' Avrohom ben R' Refoel Landau of Chechenov (1875)
5 Adar - R' Mordechai Shlomo ben R' Yitzchok Friedman of Boyan (1971)
6 Adar - R' Shmuel ben Natronai HY"D (1197), one of the Baalei Tosefos who was tortured to death "al Kidush Hashem".
6 Adar - R' Daniel Prostitz (1846), Rov of Pressburg and colleague of the Chasam Sofer (1846)
6 Adar - R' Naftali Dov Amsterdam(1916) ben R' Shlomo, talmid of R' Yisroel Salanter
6 Adar - R' Yosef Baumgarten, Av Beis Din Schiffschule in Vienna (1936)
6 Adar - R' David ben R' Sholom Povarsky of Ponevezh (1999), author of Yeshuos Dovid
6 Adar - R' Chanoch Tzvi ben R' Pinchos Yaakov HaKohen Levine (1935), Rov of Bendin and son in-law of the Sfas Emes
7 Adar - Moshe Rabbeinu (1270 B.C.E.)
7 Adar - R' Shlomo Ephraim of Lunshitz (1619) ben R' Ahron, author of Kli Yakar and Rov of Prague
7 Adar - R' Yitzchok Isaac ben R' Moshe Yechezkel Taub (1821), first Kaliver Rebbe, discovered by R' Leib Sarahs. He was the first Chassidishe Rebbe in Hungary
8 Adar - R' Yosef HaChassid Yaavetz (1493) ben R' Chaim known as the "Chasid Yaavetz".
8 Adar - R' Eliyahu HaKohen of Izhmir ben R' Shlomo Avrohom, author of Shevet Mussar.
8 Adar - R' Moshe Aharon ben R' Yom Tov Lipman Stern (1998), Mashgiach of Kamenitz
9 Adar R' Yehudah HaChasid ben R' Shmuel Hachasid, author of Sefer Chasidim and his famous "Tzavah", which includes many things that many people are careful about, such as having a wife and mother with the same name, sealing up windows, moving stoves, cutting hair and nails on Rosh Chodesh and many others. (There are several dates listed as his yartzeit and I don't know which, if any, is accurate)
9 Adar - R' Shlomo Zalman ben R' Yitzchok (1788), brother of R' Chaim Volozhiner. He passed away in his thirties, and was already an exceptional Gaon at that time.
9 Adar - R' Yechiel Schlesinger (1949), Rov for Khal Adas Yeshurun and founder of Yeshiva Kol Torah
9 Adar - R' Shmuel Dovid ben R' Yosef Moshe Halevi Ungar, HY"D (1945), Rosh Yeshiva of Nitra and father-in-law of R' Michoel Ber Weissmandel
10 Adar - R' Yosef Boruch ben Reb Klonomus Kalman Halevi Epstein (1867) known as the "Gutter Yid" from Neishtadt. His father was the author of Meor V'shemesh. The Divrei Chaim of Sanz once said at a siyum on Shas that in heaven there is more enjoyment when Reb Yosef Boruch says Tehilim than his own finishing Shas.
10 Adar - R' Sholom Goldstein, Torah pioneer who was pivotal in building the Detroit religious community. (1984)
11 Adar - R' Gershon Ashkenazi (1693), Rov of Nicholsburg and Metz, author of Avodas Gershuni and Chidushei HaGershuni
11 Adar - R' Chaim Yosef Dovid Azulai (1806) ben R' Raphael Yitzchok Zerachia, author of numerous seforim (I believe over 70) on virtually every subject, nigleh and nistar. He was a talmid of the Ohr HaChaim and Rashash.
11 Adar - R' Yehoshua Moshe Orenstein, mechaber of Yam HaTalmud (1824)
11 Adar - R' Yosef ben R' Fishel Rosen of Dvinsk (1936), the Rogatchover Gaon, author of Tzofnas Paneach
11 Adar - R' Avrohom Bornstein of Sochatcov (1910) ben R' Zev Nochum, author of Avnei Nezer and Eglei Tal, first Sochatchover Rebbe, son-in-law of the Kotzker. He said before his passing that if one learns from his sforim, he will be a protector and helper after his death exactly like when he was alive.
11 Adar - R' Shmuel Brudny (1981), Rosh Yeshiva of Mir New York
11 Adar - R' Elazar Lipman Weisbloom, father of the rebbes, R' Elimelech of Lizensk and R' Zusia of Anipoli
11 Adar - R' Avrohom Abuchatzera of Tiberias ben R' Yaakov, Uncle of Baba Sali. He is buried in Tiveria. It is mekubal that part of his father, the Abir Yaakov, is by his kever.
12 Adar R' Alter Tepliker HY"D, his real name was R' Moshe Yehoshua ben R' Asher Zelig Bezhilianski. Wrote ten sforim, including Hishtapchus Hanefesh, Meshivas Nefesh, Sichas Hanefesh, Ohr Zoreiach Hagada and Mei Hanachal (on Likutei Mohoran). He was murdered during the Cossak uprising in 1919 while seated next to a Sefer Torah.
12 Adar - R' Shmuel ben R' Yeshaya Halevi Horowitz (1972), first became interested in Breslov after reading Reb Alter Tepliker's Hishtapchus Hanefesh (whose yahrzeit is also today). Born in Eretz Yisrael. Went to Uman for Rosh Hashana for three years and spent three months in a Russian jail after being caught.
12 Adar R' Boruch Berditchiver, Breslover tzadik
12 Adar - R' Naftali Tzvi ben R' Shlomo Halberstam of Bobov (2005)
13 Adar - R' Yisroel ben R' Yosef Isserles (1868) father of the Rama
13 Adar - R' Nachman ben R' Tzvi Aryeh Goldstein of Tcherin (1894), one of the greatest Breslov leaders. Grandson of Reb Ahron, the Rov of Breslov. His sforim include Parparos Lechochmah on Likutei Mohoran, Leshon Chasidim and Derech Chasidim on teachings of the Baal Shem Tov and talmidim, Likutei Eitzos Hameshulosh and more.
13 Adar - R' Moshe ben R' Dovid Feinstein (1986) Nothing more needs to be said than just "Reb Moshe" and it's known exactly who you're talking about. Loved by everyone. Besides being a Gaon in Torah he was know for his tzidkis bein adam Lemokom and bein adam lechaveiro. His Igros Moshe responsa can be found in virtually every Bais Hamedresh.
13 Adar - R' Shlomo ben R' Yosef Strashun of Vilna (1872), author of the famous commentary on Shas, Rashash (not to be confused with R' Sholom Sharabi)
14 Adar - R' Yaakov ben R' Avrohom Kahana (1826), author of Gaon Yaakov
14 Adar - R' Dov Beirish ben R' Moshe Ashkenazi, Rov of Slonim, and author of Noda BeShearim
14 Adar - R' Yitzchok Sternhartz of Tulchin (1870) ben R' Noson of Breslov, buried in Tzefas near the Arizal and Beis Yosef
14 Adar - R' Shimon ben R' Yehuda Schwab (1995) Rov of Khal Adas Yeshuran in NY, author of Meian Beis Shoeva
15 Adar - R' Tzvi Hirsch ben R' Ahron Shmuel Kaidanover (1712), author of Kav Hayoshor, a sefer that is praised by tzadikim from all circles. Reb Elimelech of Lizensk learned it 102 times. R' Tzvi Hirsch said everyone should get his sefer and promised success in all areas for whoever learns it. Was a talmid of the Yesod Yosef. His father was the author of Birchas Shmuel.
15 Adar - R' Yosef ben R' Yisachor Dov Bertcha Leifer of Pittsburgh (1966), author of Tzidkas Yosef, lived in Pittsburgh - buried on Har Hazeisim.
16 Adar - R' Elazer Menachem Mendel ben R' Moshe Biderman of Lelov (1882) buried on Har Hazeisim
16 Adar - R' Pinchos Menachem ben R' Avrohom Mordechai Alter of Ger (1996), the Pnei Menachem (1996)
17 Adar - R' Shimon ben R' Moshe Sofer (1883), Av Beis Din of Cracow and son of the Chasam Sofer
17 Adar - R' Yitzchak Friedman of Boyan (1917) ben R' Avrohom Yaakov of Sadiger, author of Pachad Yitzchak
17 Adar - R' Yisroel Zev ben R' Moshe Tzvi Mintzberg (1962), Av Beis Din of Khal Chassidim in Yerushalayim and author of Responsa Shearis Yisroel
17 Adar - R' Avraham Menachem Danziger of Alexander (2005)
18 Adar - R' Alexander Ziskind ben R' Moshe of Horodna (1794), author of Yesod V'shoresh Ha'avoda. In his tzavah he says he will be a "good advocate" for all who learn his sefer, even if they don't take upon themselves anything he writes. R' Ahron of Karlin brought him to the Magid of Mezerich, but the Magid purposely was not mekarev him because he said R' Alexander was a pure tzadik and already set in his ways. Yesod V'shoresh Ha'avoda is used by Litvaks, Chasidim and Sfardim. He and his sefer were praised excessively by many tzadikim. It is brought down in Chaye Mohoran that R' Nachman of Breslov praised him.
18 Adar - R' Yechezkel ben R' Yehuda Levenstein (1974), legendary mashgiach of Mir & Ponovezh
18 Adar - R' Chanoch Henach ben R' Pinchos HaKohen of Alexander(1870), direct descendant of the Shach. Talmid of the Yid Hakodosh and R' Bunim of Peshischa. Served as rebbe of the Gerer Chasidim for a while after the Chidushei HaRim died. Not to be confused with the Alexander Chasidim. He did not leave over a dynasty.
18 Adar - R' Nachum Mordechai ben R' Yisroel Friedman of Chortkov (1946)
19 Adar - Reb. Faiga (1801) bas R' Yechiel, the mother of R' Nachman of Breslov
19 Adar - R' Yaakov Shimshon ben R' Chaim of Kosov (1880)
19 Adar - R' Meir Yechiel ben R' Avrohom Yitzchok Halevi Haldshtok (1928), Ostrovtzer Rebbe (1928) Not so well known, but was an absolute genius besides being a great tzadik who fasted most of his life. There is a great tape about his life from Rabbi Berel Wein, available here. Wrote Meir Einei Chachomim (not to be confused with an earlier sefer on Chanukah & Purim by R' Meir of Kursetchov)
19 Adar - R' Yosef Chaim ben R' Avrohom Shlomo Sonnenfeld (1932), Rov of Yerushalayim, Talmid of Ksav Sofer, buried on har Hazeisim
19 Adar - R' Yehuda ben R' Yehoshua Greenwald (1920), Av Beis Din of Satmar, author of Shevet MiYehuda
19 Adar - R' Yitzchok ben R' Yosef Kalisch (1993), Amshinover Rebbe of Boro Park, buried in Tiveria
20 Adar - R' Yoel ben R' Shmuel Halevi Sirkis (1641), author of Bach- Bayis Chadash on the Tur
20 Adar - R' Meir ben Yaakov (1633), wrote Maharam Shiff on Shas
20 Adar - R' Shlomo Zalman ben R' Chaim Yehuda Auerbach, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivah Kol Torah and author of Minchas Shlomo (1995) One of the greatest and most beloved poskim and tzadikim of recent years. His father was Rosh Yeshiva of Shaar Hashomyim and considered one of the greatest mekubolim of his time. Descended from the Toldos Yaakov Yosef of Polonye.
20 Adar - R' Rapahael ben R' Shmuel Blum of Kashau, one of the great tzadikim in the USA, died several years ago.
21 Adar R' Elimelech ben R' Elazar Lipman (1787) Known affectionately as the Rebbe Reb Meilech, author of Noam Elimelech, which is know as the "sefer of tzadikim". He and his brother, the Rebbe Reb Zushia of Anipoli were talmidim of the Magid of Mezerich. Thousands of people travel to his kever on the yartzeit every year and throughout the year. There is so much to say about him. If you do a search you can find a wealth of information on him. Here is some information about the English version of Noam Elimelech, including sample chapters.
21 Adar - Reb Yitzchok Elchonon ben R' Yisroel Isser Spector (1896), Rov of Kovno and author of Beer Yitzchok
22 Adar - R' Yechiel Michel ben R' Ahron Halevi Epstein (1902) author of Aruch Hashulchan
22 Adar - R' Rafael Reuvein ben R' Shimshon Grozovsky (1958), one of the great Rosh Yeshivas of Kaminetz, Torah Vodaas and Beis Medrash Elyon. Buried in New York City.
22 Adar - R' Yisroel Moshe ben R' Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky (2003) Great Rebbe and member of the Badatz Eidah Chareidis
22 Adar - Reb. Miriam Freida Kagan (1946) bas R' Hillel HaKohen, wife of the Chofetz Chaim who is buried in Queens, NY at Mt. Judah Cemetery, near her son, R' Ahron.
23 Adar - R' Yitzchok Meir ben R' Yisroel Alter-Rottenberg (1866), Chiddushei Harim. First Gerrer Rebbe, descended from Maharam M'Rutenburg
23 Adar - R' Chaim Chaikel ben R' Shmuel Levin of Amdur, talmid muvhak of Reb Ahron Hagadol of Karlin
23 Adar - R' Rafael ben R' Aryeh Leib Shapiro ZY"A, son-in-law of Nitziv and Rosh Yeshivas Volozhin (1921)
23 Adar - R' Yitzchak Yaakov Rabinowitz ben Noson Dovid of Biala (1905), Divrei Bina
23 Adar - R' Yehuda Moshe Tyberg-Danziger, Alexander Rebbe of Bnei Brak, Emunas Moshe, son-in-law of previous Rebbe
24 Adar - R' Chaim Algazi of Kushta, mechaber of Nesivos Hamishpot
24 Adar - R' Eliyahu ben R' Shlomo Hacohen of Izmir (1729), author of Shevet
Mussar, Medrash Talpios and numerous other seforim
25 Adar - R' Avrohom Gershon ben R' Ephraim Ashkenazi of Kitov (1761), brother-in-law of the Baal Shem Tov, moved to Eretz Yisroel and became a talmid of the Rashash. Buried on Har Hazeisim.
25 Adar - R' Menachem Mendel of Visiva ben R' Yisroel Hager of Vizhnitz (1941) (I have his yahrzeit recorded as 13 Teves, but I saw this date listed in other places)
25 Adar - R' Yitzchak ben R' Masoud Abuchatzera (1970), the Baba Chaki (I believe he was a brother of Baba Sali)
25 Adar - R' Yisroel Yaakov ben R' Ahron Fisher (2003), Raavad of the Eida Hachareidis
26 Adar - R' Eliezer Lipa of Chelminik(Poland) ben R' Elimelech of Lizensk (1813), not to be confused with his older brother R' Elazar of Lizensk. Wrote Orach Latzadik
26 Adar - Sarah Schenirer (1935) bas R' Betzalel, mother of the Bais Yaakov movement
26 Adar - R' Avrohom Chaim ben R' Mordechai Dovid Brim of Yerusholayim, author of Shirah Chadashah
27 Adar - Tzedkiah, last king of Yehuda, died in captivity, in Bavel (561 BCE).
[Hamodia 2005 says 396 BCE; Hamodia 2006 says 380 BCE]
27 Adar - Rav Yosef Shaul ben Aryeh Leibush HaLevi Nathanson, born in Lvov, av beis
din Lvov and author of Hashoel Umaishiv (Shoel Umaishiv) (1810-1875)
27 Adar - Rav Yeshayah (ben R' Moshe) Schorr (1879). His primary teacher was Rav Mordechai of Kremnitz, the son of the Maggid of Zlotchov, one of the leading students of
the Ba'al Shem Tov. (Also a talmid of R' Mendel of Kosov, Apta Rov and R' Tzvi Hersh of Zidichov) Rav Schorr's last rabbinical post, and the one for which
he is best remembered, was in Iasi (on the present-day border between
Rumania and Moldova). His best know sefer is Klil Tiferes on chumash. (Also wrote responsa Kanfei Nesharim)
27 Adar - Rav Moshe Meir Rosenstein of Berditchev (1821-1902). A chassid of the
Rizhuner Rebbe in his youth, Rav Moshe Meir moved to Eretz Yisral and
settled in Tzefas in 1853, living there for several decades. At the end of
his life, he settled in Teveria. His insights have been published recently
in a sefer called "Avodas HaLevi'im."
27 Adar - Rav Shlomo Elyashiv (1841-1925). He was a great Kabbalist whose vast
knowledge of all aspects of Torah and exceptional ability to clarify
complicated concepts resulted in a few several Kabbalistic works, including
Drushei Olam HaTohu ("Dayah") and Hakdamos V'Sha'arim ("HaKadosh"). More
recently, the more philosophical and less Kabbalistically technical sections
of his works were assembled into a single book called Leshem Shevo
Ve'achlama. (He is known as "the Leshem". Grandfather of R' Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Shlita.)
27 Adar - Rav Moshe Neuschloss, av beis din of New Square. New Square is the
anglicized form of Skvira, a village in Ukraine, where the Skver Hasidim
dynasty of Chasidism had its roots. The community began in 1954, when twenty
Skver families moved from Williamsburg to a 130 acre farm north of Spring
Valley, under the leadership of their Rebbe Rav Yakov Yosef Twersky. In 1961
New Square became the first village in New York state to be governed by a
religious group. Over the years annexations have increased its size. Its
population increased 78% between 1990 and 2000.
27 Adar - Rav Chaim Sinuani (1898-1979). Born in Sinuan, Yemen, to Chacham Yichya, of the eminent Bida family. As a youth, he left home for Jabal, to study in the
yeshiva of Rav Shlomo ben Yosef Tabib and Rav Dovid Ya'ish Chadad. Both of
the roshei yeshiva passed away in 1919. In 1921, at the age of only 23, Rav
Chaim became Rav and Av Beis Din of Sinuan. He and his family participated
in Operation Magic Carpet in 1949. He is buried in Yehud.
27 Adar - Rav Yisrael Bergstein, born in the Lithuanian city of Suvalk, studied in
Grodno under Rav Shimon Shkop and Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz from age 11, then at
age 14, under Rav Avraham Grodzinsky and the Alter of Slabodka at Chevron.
Taught at Chafetz Chaim in Baltimore and founded a yeshiva in White Plains
28 Adar - R' Mordechai of Slonim (1916), I am not sure but he might have been a son of R' Yehoshua Issac (Eizel) "Charif" Shapiro of Slonim
28 Adar - R' Moshe Chevroni, Rosh Yeshiva of Chevron
28 Adar - R' Yechiel Michel Gutfarb, Gabbai Tzedaka of Yerushalayim (2002)
29 Adar - R' Yitzchok the Bochur of Speyer HY"D (1196) ben R' Asher, grandson of the Riva was killed with many Jews
29 Adar - R' Shlomo ben R' Dov Tzvi Hakohen Rabinowitz of Radoms(1866), author of Tiferes Shlomo, a classic Chassidishe sefer. He was a talmid of many great tzadikim, including R' Fishel of Strikov, R' Dovid of Lelov, R' Meir of Apta and the Radoshitzer.
29 Adar - R' Avrohom ben R' Yehuda Leib Shaag (1877), author of Ohel Avrohom, Rebbe of R' Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld
29 adar - R' Yaakov ben R' Binyamin Kamenetsky (1986), Rosh Yeshiva Torah Vadaas. One of the great tzadikim and leaders of his generation. Wrote Emes L'Yaakov (the name describes who he was)
29 Adar - R' Michel ben R' Ephraim Berenbaum (2003), Mashgiach of Mesivta Tiferes Yerushalaim. Was held in high regard by R' Moshe Feinstein
R' Yaakov Kamenetsky and R' Michel Berenbaum are both buried in Mt. Judah Cemetery on the Brooklyn/Queens border. This is a great opportunity to go daven there, especially with 29 Adar being Yom Kippur Koton. Many people say the tefilos of Yom Kippur Koton for Nisan and Elul even if they don't the rest of the year.