Friday, May 25, 2007

9 Sivan - Shabbos Yahrzeits

R' Moshe ben R' Naftal Hirsch Rivkes, author of Be'er Hagolah on Shulchan Aruch (1672)

R' Yisroel ben R' Shmuel Ashkenazi of Shklov (1839) Talmid of the Gra who moved to Eretz Yisroel, Wrote Pe'as HaShulchon

R' Yaakov Chaim ben R' Yitzchak Baruch Sofer (1870-1938), Wrote Kaf HaChaim, for many Sephardim it is the equivilent of the Mishna Berura. The Sefer Kaf HaChaim is used in many other circles as well, and contains many things according to the Arizal.

R' Yitzchak Issac ben R' Yisachor Beirish of Ziditchov (1873)

R' Moshe Asio (1838) Tzadik of Solonika, wrote Higid Mordechai

R' Ahron Ben Azriel (1879) Av Beis Din of the Sephardim in Yerushalaim, Rosh Yeshiva of Beis El, Wrote K'fi Ahron

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