Wednesday, April 18, 2007

1 Iyar - Yahrzeits

Reb Abba Shaul, one of the Talmudic gedolim

R' Yosef Yoska ben R' Yehudah Yudel, Yesod Yosef, rebbe of the Kav Hayosher

R' Tzvi Hirsch ben R' Yaakov Ashkenazi, the Chacham Tzvi (1718)

R' Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk (1788) ben R' Moshe -Together with R' Avrohom Kalisker, they were the first Rebbes to move to Eretz Yisroel. Both of their Torah can be found in Pri HaAretz. For more see here and here.

R' Shmuel Shmelke Halevi Horowitz of Nikolsburg (1778) ben R' Tzvi Hirsh of Chortkov Known as "the Rebbe Reb Shmelke". See here for more on the Rebbe, Reb Shmelke.

R' Avrohom of Slonim-Baranovich ben R' Shmuel, the Beis Avrohom (1933)

R' Akiva Yosef Schlesinger, author of Lev HaIvri (1922)

R' Moshe Shmuel ben R' Aryeh Shapira, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Beer Yaakov(2006) descendent of the Netziv

1 comment:

yitz said...

Thanks for the link. Since last night, I've updated the post, so if you've read it already, please check it again! Thanks.